Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Jonathan Cahn - Heretic "Rabbi" Teaches Works Salvation

Rabbi Jonathan "Cain" Cahn is an increasingly-popular end-times and prophecy writer. His writings are captivating many in various denominations, including Baptists. This post will expose him as a fraud, a wolf sporting himself in white wool.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Evangelist Tom Gilliam Exposed Part 3 - Calvinist in Sheep's Clothing

Tom Gilliam is a travelling evangelist. He preaches works salvation. This post is intended to reveal the deep heresy of Calvinism in which he is rooted. The following post will examine his Calvinist leanings from his own words. You can find his false gospel here: part 1 and part 2.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Evangelist Tom Gilliam Exposed Part 2 - False Gospel Continued

This is the second part in a series exposing Tom Gilliam. Part 1 can be found here. His Calvinist teachings can be found here.

Tom Gilliam is a travelling evangelist, visiting Christian schools and churches. He claims to be a Baptist yet he preaches a gospel which is riddled with works. This post will further expose this false prophet for what he truly believes.

Evangelist Tom Gilliam Exposed Part 1 - False Gospel

I will be posting a series on Evangelist Tom Gilliam. He was a visiting preacher where I went to school. I've listened to him countless times. These posts are intended to uncover his false gospel message and his Calvinist beliefs. He claims to be Baptist, but any real Baptist will deny Calvinism and defend the doctrine of salvation being by faith alone.

You can find part 2 of this post here. And his Calvinism exposed can be found here.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Vacation Bible School Is Unbiblical - Part 2

Part 1 of my series on VBS can be found here.

Continuing in my series on VBS (Vacation Bible School), I am demonstrating from the Bible why it's not such a good idea. This post will be very sober because of the nature of what could potentially happen at VBS. This topic is an elephant in the room for many churches because they refuse to believe this could happen at one of their churches.

VBS Opens the Door for Predators