Monday, February 13, 2017

14th Annual Camp Meeting Feb. 26 - March 2 2017 - Victory Baptist Church Fort Valley Georgia - Johnny Nixon - Born That Way After All

A man out of Doerun, Georgia named Johnny Nixon teaches a perverted and strange doctrine that homosexuals are actually confused eunuchs. He co-authored a book about it called Born That Way After All. Big names in IFB circles such as Bob Gray, Sr. and Jeff Owns have partnered with Johnny Nixon to push his filthy book. Here is an exhaustive review of his book:
These are not fundamentals of anything remotely Baptist. It will make you sick to your stomach to hear the things Johnny says.

This is a warning blog about an event that Johnny will be speaking at. It's called the "14th Annual Camp Meeting 2017" held at Victory Baptist Church in Fort Valley, Georgia. Here's an image pulled from the website of Victory Baptist Church:

This background image, on a Baptist church website, has transsexual, queer, sex, bisexual, straight, liberal, atheist, and agnostic on it. What kind of pervert designed that? Who would go to this church that thinks homosexuals and trannies are a 'race' of people?
Johnny Nixon, the guy who thinks queers are eunuchs, will be one of the speakers at the event. Here is a PDF flyer for the event, and below is an image:
I had never heard of "Teen Challenge International" before, but I assume they are some kind of partnering organization with the church and this event. They have their base in Columbus, Georgia. Teen Challenge aims to help kids and teens that struggle with addictions in their life, particularly drugs and alcohol. It's an organization that started as a ministry of the Assemblies of God, a denomination of Pentecostalism that teaches a hard works salvation gospel message. Not only that, but they teach insane charismatic doctrines about baptism, the Holy Ghost, and 'speaking in tongues.' These are not people you would ever want your teenage child to be associated with. You can read further on the organization here. It doesn't appear how much the organization has a role in this camp meeting, but as the Bible says in Job 14:4, Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. What do Baptists have to do with Pentecostal organizations?
Right alongside Johnny Nixon in the above image is Pastor Greg Locke. This man, besides being effeminate, is a clear teacher of works salvation. Check out the video on this fraud and charlatan below:

Greg Locke is a former Baptist who dropped the title and dropped the KJV Bible as well. His services are very sensual and worldly. Point three of Pastor Greg Locke's statement of faith on his website says,
We believe in the eternal salvation of all believers. Once a person trusts in Christ, they are forever kept by the power of God and can never be lost. Salvation is truly everlasting life. However, those who have trusted Christ are His and will obey Him and His Word. We do not believe a person can live any way they so desire and be saved. The Bible dogmatically declares that a person will be a new creature in Christ. (2 Cor 5:17, Jn 10:27-30) 
Locke adds obedience and works to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though the Bible says over and over again: not by works, not of works, not by the deeds of the law, not having mine own righteousness, to him that worketh not... etc, etc.
God cannot be more clear when He states in His Holy Word (which Greg Locke doesn't believe exists), that salvation has absolutely nothing to do with our works. If we had to live a certain way to be saved or prove we're saved, then righteousness would be through the law! And Christ is dead in vain! But if it be of works, then is it no more grace! Ephesians 2:8-9 states, For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. Locke abuses the verse about becoming a new creature in Christ. That's the second birth - the new man, the opposite of the flesh. The flesh and the new man coexist together, which means you'll either serve one or the other. He is puffed up with pride thinking that because he changed his life around, he must truly possess salvation. As Jesus said in Luke 11, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne! Works salvation is a grievous burden to bear indeed.

And this conference is filled with other works-salvationists who laden men with keeping the law to be truly saved. Johnny Nixon affirms works salvation directly from his Facebook page, below:
Nixon affirms and agrees with Locke's stance on proving your salvation by doing works. A real, genuine salvation is one in which an individual put all their trust, all their faith, all their belief in Jesus Christ alone to save them, having no confidence in the flesh. As John 3:36 so simply states, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. God is black and white when it comes to salvation. Either you believe fully in the shed blood and sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf, or you don't. Nixon mingles works with faith, and the end result thereof is an eternity in hell.
The next bastard we will address on the flyer is Billy Sampson. He's some sort of evangelist singer that will be present at the camp meeting. And before I go any further, this man, Billy Sampson, is truly wicked and disgusting. I haven't seen such a hardcore works salvation espoused by a supposed Baptist before. Here are some quotes taken from his page about "What We Believe."
Point 5 of his statement of faith says,
5. Of Regeneration. 
We believe the Scriptures teach that regeneration, or the new birth, is that change wrought in the heart by the Holy Spirit, by which a new nature and a spiritual life, not before possessed, are imparted, and the person becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus; that a holy disposition is given to the mind, the will subdued, the dominion of sin broken, and the affections changed from a love of sin and self, to a love of holiness and God; that the change is instantaneous and not a process, effected not by culture or character, nor by the will of man, but solely through the power of God through the Word of God, in a manner incomprehensible to reason.
Sampson believes that our wills are subdued and sin is broken in our lives the moment we get saved, that there is some kind of massive change of "affections" from a love of sin and self to loving God. Not only is it not a process, according to Sampson, but this happens in an instant! Talk about a miraculous conversion! But no such thing exists. If we were instantly transformed into doing right and hating our old, sinful life, then why are there so many admonitions in the New Testament to get the sin out of our lives? Why are we told to die to selves if that is something that we would do automatically? Jesus said, If ye love me, keep my commandments. If we must turn to loving God and holiness the moment we are regenerated and saved, then we would have to be instantly keeping God's commandments. If keeping commandments is how we are saved - then none of us would be saved!

The next point on repentance,
 6. Of Repentance. 
We believe the Scriptures teach that repentance is a personal act, prompted by the Spirit of God; and consists in a godly sorrow over sin, as offensive to God and ruinous to the soul; that it is accompanied with great humiliation in view of one's sin and guilt, together with prayer for pardon; also by sincere hatred of sin, and a persistent turning away from, and abandonment of, all that is evil and unholy.
It's not enough for him to just tell people to 'repent of their sins' to be saved. No, you must have great humiliation and grovel before Almighty God, followed by hating your sin and abandoning 'all that is evil and unholy.' Is this guy even a Baptist? He sounds more like a charismatic! The Bible is very clear that by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in the sight of God. This is a very grievous burden to bare. Nobody can honestly say that their moment of salvation looked like what happened in the above point. And if they can, they are entirely lifted up with pride in their own deeds. And they are on their way to straight to the lake of fire.

The last point,
11. Of The Preservation Of The Saints. 
We believe the Scriptures teach that such as are truly regenerate, being born of the Spirit of God, cannot utterly fall away and finally perish, but will endure to the end; that their persevering attachment to Christ is the grand mark which distinguishes them from superficial professors; that a special Providence watches over their welfare; and that they are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.
I happen to believe very strongly in the preservation of God's saints. We are preserved in Jesus Christ as Jude 1:1 states. But he doesn't believe in preservation, he believes in perseverance. Besides labeling his eleventh point preservation, did he even mention the word 'preservation' in describing his point? No, he mentioned perseverance of the saints, which is a wicked teaching that says only truly saved people 'endure' in their Christian lives. Saved men in the Bible such as Saul and Sampson did not 'endure' until the end of their lives in the faith. They failed miserably, but they made it to heaven because they were believers. Now Sampson is adding another grievous burden to bare, that we must endure in the Christian life in order to stay saved. If we don't, we were never truly saved. And I would assume he'd tell us to try hating our sin more and loving God more in order to make it to heaven.

He gives lip service at the end of that eleventh point, that we are 'kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.' No, he's got it backwards. In his own warped mind, He's kept by the power of his enduring Christian life unto salvation. Myself and other believers in Jesus Christ are kept by the promise of God, which is eternal life to all who believe. If we could rewrite John 3:16 for Billy Sampson, it would go like this,
For God so loved the world, that he told us to completely abandon all that is evil and unholy, that whosoever loves God and holiness, and keeps his commandments until the very end of their lives, they shall truly be saved. [2017 Sampsonite Translation]

Here are some other speakers that will be at the 14th Annual 'Without-the-Camp' Meeting:

Pastor Tommy Steele of New Life Baptist Church in Concord, NC, has a statement of faith that is totally void of anything substantive - and doesn't even touch on what he believes about salvation!

Pastor Craig Edwards of Blessed Hope Church in Mt. Airy, NC tells you to choose a Bible you think is most literal in his statement of faith! His church is not KJV only. And like Billy Sampson, he believes you must persevere in the faith to be truly saved - another Calvinist.

Pastor Clemmon Chappell of Sonrise Baptist Church in Gary, Indiana, says that in order to be saved, you must 'square' things up with God by running away from your sin.

Evangelist Phil Schipper of Valpariaso, IN, supposedly got saved when he fell under 'deep conviction' of his sinful lifestyle, that he turned from his sins and got saved! Forget about the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ - just turn from your sins and ye shall be saved, and thy house!

Pastor Steve Snider is not even a Baptist! He's the pastor of an Assemblies of God charismaniac church. At conversion, he gave up all sins of rock-n-roll and such... just like the others listed before him. And, of course, he believes you can lose your salvation.

Sending your teenager to an event like this is wicked and dangerous. You would be teaching your kids works salvation. Not only that, but anybody deceived by the false prophet Johnny Nixon, is a fool. He is not a Baptist. He is not a fundamentalist. He does not believe in salvation by grace through faith alone. Look at the company that he keeps. Look at his own words! The man is an evil, false prophet, and Bob Gray, Sr. is a complete idiot for being friendly with him. Here's a picture of heretic Johnny Nixon next to some hippy dude that's going to hell because he believes in baptismal regeneration:

What's a little doctrinal difference among friends, right?

Friday, June 10, 2016

Pastor Paul Chappell is a Media Whore

Pastor Paul Chappell of Lancaster Baptist Church is a people-pleasing, watered-down attention whore. He's a spineless coward of a Christian, unfit for being pastor. His attempts to please both man and God reveal how he is not instant, in season or out.


In Palmdale, California, a seven-year-old boy in first grade at Desert Rose Elementary was reprimanded for bringing printed Bible verses to the lunchroom during school hours. His mother had been sending him to school each day with Bible verses packed inside his lunchbox. The boy would share these verses with other classmates. A deputy sheriff visited the home of the 1st grader and told him that he was not allowed to do that, citing separation of church and state as a justification for shutting him down.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Jonathan Cahn - Heretic "Rabbi" Teaches Works Salvation

Rabbi Jonathan "Cain" Cahn is an increasingly-popular end-times and prophecy writer. His writings are captivating many in various denominations, including Baptists. This post will expose him as a fraud, a wolf sporting himself in white wool.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Evangelist Tom Gilliam Exposed Part 3 - Calvinist in Sheep's Clothing

Tom Gilliam is a travelling evangelist. He preaches works salvation. This post is intended to reveal the deep heresy of Calvinism in which he is rooted. The following post will examine his Calvinist leanings from his own words. You can find his false gospel here: part 1 and part 2.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Evangelist Tom Gilliam Exposed Part 2 - False Gospel Continued

This is the second part in a series exposing Tom Gilliam. Part 1 can be found here. His Calvinist teachings can be found here.

Tom Gilliam is a travelling evangelist, visiting Christian schools and churches. He claims to be a Baptist yet he preaches a gospel which is riddled with works. This post will further expose this false prophet for what he truly believes.

Evangelist Tom Gilliam Exposed Part 1 - False Gospel

I will be posting a series on Evangelist Tom Gilliam. He was a visiting preacher where I went to school. I've listened to him countless times. These posts are intended to uncover his false gospel message and his Calvinist beliefs. He claims to be Baptist, but any real Baptist will deny Calvinism and defend the doctrine of salvation being by faith alone.

You can find part 2 of this post here. And his Calvinism exposed can be found here.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Vacation Bible School Is Unbiblical - Part 2

Part 1 of my series on VBS can be found here.

Continuing in my series on VBS (Vacation Bible School), I am demonstrating from the Bible why it's not such a good idea. This post will be very sober because of the nature of what could potentially happen at VBS. This topic is an elephant in the room for many churches because they refuse to believe this could happen at one of their churches.

VBS Opens the Door for Predators

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Vacation Bible School Is Unbiblical - Part 1

I believe that Vacation Bible School is unbiblical. It's a shame that Baptist churches with all the apostate churches partake in this yearly ritual of bringing in kids for a week at their churches. I have several reasons for why I believe that VBS should not be part of any serious, Bible-believing church. And this is coming from a person who has attended, volunteered, and eventually worked on VBS's at different churches. I'm totally against it. The following post will address point one about why it is unscriptural.

VBS Is Not Fulfilling the Great Commission

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jeffrey Dahmer - NOT Saved, NOT a Christian, and NOT in Heaven!

Jeffrey Dahmer has been revisited in the news lately because his killer, Christopher Scarver, has gone public with his testimony of how and why he killed Dahmer. I thought this deserved some attention because there are many ignorant Christians out there who say we'll see Dahmer in heaven one day. There's a famous interview Dahmer gave the media, and here's a snippet below of his saying he accepted Jesus Christ:

Monday, June 1, 2015

Missionary Bruce Berry Exposed

To preface this post, I would like to be completely clear. There are individuals who add "repent of your sins" to the gospel message. I often repeated this phrase without fully understanding what I was saying. Someone eventually pointed out to me that I was wrong. Many Baptists out there may be mindlessly repeating "repent of your sins" for salvation. What they might mean, like I did, is that one must admit he is a sinner. That is is not repenting or turning from your sins. That is simply agreeing with the Scriptures, such as Romans 3:21, that you are, indeed, a sinner condemned to hell. A sinner must recognize that he is one in order to be saved. However, some do not use "repent of your sins" to mean admitting you are a sinner. There are some that actually teach a turning away from or repenting from sins in your life is a necessary component of salvation. Is repentance of sins necessary for salvation? No. Is repentance from trusting in works or a false god necessary for salvation? Absolutely. It's important to separate the two, which I'll do in this post.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

World's Shortest Sermon

Good morning, everyone. Turn in your NIV with me to Acts 8:37.

Bible versions matter.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

"Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish!" Luke 13:3 Explained

Luke 13:3 is a widely-abused verse and is often ripped totally out of its context to justify bad doctrine. If this verse was properly studied, it would actually reveal that it has nothing to do with personal salvation. Luke 13:3, and the chapter in general, is discussing the abolishing of Israel as a nation. Many of the people who pervert this verse to justify a works-based salvation gospel ("repent of your sins") are often Christian Zionists, meaning they revere the unbelieving "Jewish" people as "God's chosen people." The so-called Jewish people of today are so far removed from the Jews of the first century because they had been scattered and intermingled with many other nations over the course of hundreds and hundreds of years. God wiped Israel off the map nearly two thousand years ago, using the Romans to accomplish His will.  God did this because they rejected Jesus Christ, thereby rejecting the true God of Israel. Judaism was and is to this day a wicked false religion that teaches works-salvation and many other lies and heresies. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Reprobate "Pastor" Attacking Pastor Steven Anderson Exposed

Pastor Anderson is in the news for a hard sermon he preached against the sodomites.

Unsurprisingly, the world has reacted in horror. The Bible cuts deeper than any two-edged sword. Jesus said, "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." If the world doesn't hate you for what you believe or say, then you're not following after Christ.

"Pastors" from the area were invited on television news stations to offer their take on Pastor Anderson's sermon, "AIDS: The Judgment of God." This post deals with one of those pastors.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Who Are the "Sons of God"?

I've been reading through the Book of Job, and I inevitably came across the term "sons of God" a few times. Modern perversions of the Bible corrupt "sons of God" and turn it into "angels" to fit some strange doctrine that was invented by man. In this post, I will define the term "sons of God" and defend the inerrancy of Scripture.

Job 1:6a says, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD..."