Pastor Anderson is in the news for a hard sermon he preached against the sodomites.
Unsurprisingly, the world has reacted in horror. The Bible cuts deeper than any two-edged sword. Jesus said, "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." If the world doesn't hate you for what you believe or say, then you're not following after Christ.
"Pastors" from the area were invited on television news stations to offer their take on Pastor Anderson's sermon, "AIDS: The Judgment of God." This post deals with one of those pastors.
Heretic Reprobate: "Reverend" Michele Whittington of Creative Living Fellowship
1 Timothy is great on structural doctrine of a church. The moment you see a woman claiming to be a pastor, you instantly know something's rotten. Who can disregard such clear statements from Scripture? A reprobate can.
1 Timothy 2:12: "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
1 Timothy 3:2: "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach."
How can a woman teach if she is not permitted to do such in the church body? How can a woman be the "husband of one wife"? The answer is: this isn't a church by any stretch of the imagination. Let's see how much of a "Christian" Reverend Whittington is.
Her "About Us" section of her webpage states that she "believes her life's purpose is to travel an ever-ascending spiritual journey and to serve others with love and compassion as they travel theirs." She believes in herself, basically. Jesus Christ is absent from every point of their doctrinal statement (the term "doctrinal" is used loosely here). This is what they state about Jesus Christ on their "FAQ" page:
Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
In Religious Science, Christ is viewed as a universal principle rather than a person. It is the principle of God expressing through humanity. Jesus of Nazareth was a human personality through which the Christ Principle, or Divine Personality, expressed itself on Earth. The principle of Jesus Christ represents the mystical marriage of our inner spirit with our outer personality. This union produces an expression of Life that includes both, yet is greater than either. The potential for this expression lies within each one of us. Therefore, Jesus is viewed as a great example for humanity, rather than the great exception. Ernest Holmes, founder of the philosophy of Religious Science, wrote:"Religious Science does not deny the divinity of Jesus; it does affirm the divinity of all people. It does not deny that Jesus was the son of God; but affirms that all beings are children of God. It does not deny that the Kingdom of God was revealed through Jesus; but affirms that the Kingdom of God is also revealed through you and me.So, in short, does she believe in Jesus? No.
This is what Reverend Whittington says about heaven and hell:
What about Heaven and Hell?
Religious Science believes that heaven and hell are states of mind. We experience heaven when we are in harmony with the Life that surrounds us. Hell is a state of mind that we experience when we have separated ourselves from God.What about heaven and hell? They don't really exist according to Reverend Whittington. It's all a figment of our imagination.
Is this a cult?
No. Religious Science teaches that each individual has the power over and the responsibility for his or her own life. Religious Science highly discourages the following of or dependence upon any one person, including founder Ernest Holmes or any present ministers or teachers [or Jesus Christ]. Religious Science challenges people to think for themselves and only believe what rings true for them. One must look into one's own heart for truth.You know something's fishy when a group has to affirm that they are not a cult. And in this statement they deny the very meaning of becoming a Christian: through dependence, or faith, on Jesus Christ. But no, Michele highly discourages such an act as placing one's faith in the shed blood of Christ. We are to rely on ourselves for truth. That creates a contradiction, however. Truth, by its definition, cannot be subjective. It is, by necessity, objective. Truth is found in the Word of God. Why does Michele parade around as a "Christian" on television when she is literally against everything the Bible claims and teaches? She's anti-Christ. She's a wicked Jezebel, a false prophetess.
She doesn't acknowledge Jesus Christ, she denies the existence of hell and heaven, and she claims that truth is subjective. This is a religion of wishful thinking. Their website states that,
Religious Science was founded by Dr. Ernest Holmes, a self-taught philosopher who rigorously studied all of the world's Spiritual paths for most of his life. In 1927, he wrote The Science of Mind, which synthesized the truths that he discerned were present throughout all of the world's faiths.Michele Whittington presides over a New Age congregation. Calling it a church would be abominable. Jesus Christ emphatically declared that "[He is] the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by [Him]." No one is getting out of hell but through faith in Christ alone. That means every "world religion" will damn a person straight to hell. Notice the description of the cult's founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes: "a self-taught philosopher." There's your problem. It's a cult which places the teachings of man above the Word of God. Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Anyone who looks inwardly for truth will be deceived and cast into hell. The Bible is the only source of absolute truth.
Creative Living Fellowship and Pastor Whittington are an affront to a holy and righteous God. This "church" is a cesspool of rank heresy and abomination. Notice all the imagery of various religious symbols on the stage (ie, universalism). They've turned church into a mockery: (the Reverend Michele Whittington is seen on stage at the end)
This mockery of a church turns God's house into a circus complete with freak shows. The sad thing is that little kids that don't know any better are being indoctrinated into a culture of tolerance and liberalism.
Here's a transcript of Michele Whittington's words from the news segment video on Pastor Anderson:
It makes me want to cry [uncomfortable laughter]. To me, it's like saying, "Let's shoot all the people that have lung cancer because, you know, there's pollution in the air." I mean, first of all that's not the solution to a challenge. Yes, we have a challenge with AIDS. Absolutely. We have a challenge with a lot of diseases. But that's not the solution. Jesus didn't say, "Love your neighbor if he's a male, heterosexual, white person." He said, "Love your neighbor."She didn't say anything particularly profound in that mindless dribble. Her statement about "heterosexual, white males" is also revealing. Michele Whittington has an innate bias against straight, white, male Christians. She's a bigot. I thought the subject was sodomy, not race. But what do I know, I'm an ignorant, white, heterosexual male. Right after she made that stellar point about what Jesus supposedly said, she gave a smug smirk:
I don't understand why people who don't believe in Jesus Christ go around preaching what He said. She's a vile serpent twisting the Bible. She trots out the "Jesus loves everyone" card even though that simply isn't true. Psalms 11:5 says, "The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth." Jesus Christ hates reprobates, including yourself Michele.
Her "lung cancer" analogy, though seemingly noble, is utterly stupid. News flash, Michele: people don't catch lung cancer through being sodomized. AIDS is an appropriate punishment for animalistic, brutish behavior. Romans 1:27 clearly states how AIDS happens: "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
According to the news segment, Rev. Whittington started her own "gay ministry." How would you like to be in a "church" that ministers to sodomites? I wouldn't be surprised to find a sodomite Sunday School teacher in her church. Diversity is the Supreme Being at Creative Living Fellowship! I thought it was blasphemous that the news segment cut to a picture of a Holy Bible while describing her church's gay ministry.
Something tells me that isn't a KJV. Why is the media trying to portray Michele Whittington as a Christian? She,
1) Doesn't believe in Jesus Christ
2) Teaches despite the Bible forbidding her to do so
3) Denies all basic doctrines of the Bible
4) Accepts homosexuality
She's a walking abomination. She's antithetical to everything in the Bible. She'll split hell wide open the moment God casts her down there. Yet the media is trotting her out as an example of what a Christian should say in response to Pastor Anderson's sermon. The media is driving an agenda of tolerance and acceptance; they want to redefine what a Christian is. They want to turn Jesus Christ into a figure of diversity, tolerance, and unconditional love. The world may consider Michele Whittington a Christian, but in thought and practice she denies everything the Bible says.
2 Timothy 3:5 says, "...having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." It could certainly be said that Reverend Whittington has a "form" or imitation of Christianity, but she denies God in all her abominable works. We are exhorted to turn from such wicked individuals. She's a raging wave of the sea, foaming out her own shame. She's a wandering star to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. Michele Whittington is a reprobate heretic.
Many false prophets are gone out into the world, and she is one of them. She's not telling people to place their faith in Jesus Christ, far from it. She's preaching the god of tolerance and diversity. Everyone who gets sucked into the false gospel of Michele Whittington will go to hell. She's a monster. Galatians 1:8 says, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him [or her] be accursed." She'll pay for boasting herself against God.
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