Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jeffrey Dahmer - NOT Saved, NOT a Christian, and NOT in Heaven!

Jeffrey Dahmer has been revisited in the news lately because his killer, Christopher Scarver, has gone public with his testimony of how and why he killed Dahmer. I thought this deserved some attention because there are many ignorant Christians out there who say we'll see Dahmer in heaven one day. There's a famous interview Dahmer gave the media, and here's a snippet below of his saying he accepted Jesus Christ:

There you have it. He must be a Christian, right? The Bible does say in Romans 10:9, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Just because a person said he "accepted Jesus Christ" does not mean he confessed Jesus Christ. A confession is different from merely saying something. I can say that the sky is purple, but I would be telling a lie because I don't believe that. Thus, a confession are words backed up by belief, as indicated in Romans 10:9. A confession is simply your faith verbalized. It's important to note that just because a person says he has accepted Jesus Christ, it does not always mean that's the case.

Let's begin to establish why Dahmer is not in heaven. There are a succession of points that need to be made.

Point 1: Dahmer Was a Reprobate

Rape, murder, torture, and sodomy - all done repeatedly - are symptoms of being severely reprobate. Dahmer can check all of those off, and more. A reprobate is someone who has been rejected by God, as defined in Jeremiah 6:30: "Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them." The famous section of Romans 1:18-32 reads,
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
What are the symptoms of being given over to a reprobate mind? A darkening of the heart, boasting against God, vile and unnatural affections, sodomy/homosexuality, murder, hatred of God, and invention of evil things. Doesn't that sum up Jeffrey Dahmer exactly? Unmerciful. He showed no mercy for his victims. And not only that, he was implacable; he wasn't satisfied until he had killed again and again and again; there was no end in sight for his sick, murderous rampage. Normal, non-reprobate sinners fall into normal temptations, such as lusting, lying, or stealing. He derived pleasure from murdering, torturing, raping, and dismembering his victims. These are not symptoms of a normal sinner. These are symptoms of someone who has been given up by God.

2 Corinthians 13:5 states,
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
If you have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are saved. You're not reprobate. But all reprobates are not saved. That is what this verse is implying, right? Need more proof?

Jude 1:19, a chapter devoted entirely to false prophets and reprobates, says,
These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
Reprobates don't have the Holy Spirit within them. The Bible says when we've placed our faith in Jesus Christ, "after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." The Holy Spirit seals all believers. It's an assurance that you are saved - permanently. But reprobates do not have the Holy Spirit... and never will. The word "saved" is past tense, indicating an action that has been completed. When an individual is rejected, he becomes reprobate. "Rejected" indicates a past tense, meaning God has given that individual up. Hebrews 6 says,
For it is impossible... If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance... But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.
And Jude, speaking of these reprobates, states,
... Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
A reprobate's end is met in hell. Once reprobate, always reprobate. There is nothing that can change the fact that once a person is rejected by God, his eventual destination is the lake of fire. Dahmer exhibited all symptoms of reprobation - and more. Can anyone legitimately dispute any of the violent, twisted acts that he committed? Do these wicked acts fit the bill?

Point 2: Dahmer Believed a False Gospel

The majority of reprobates outright reject Jesus Christ and the Bible. But some will claim they believe in Jesus Christ. They are either lying or have believed a false Christ. For example, many homosexuals that say they've "found Jesus" believe that they must give up their life of homosexuality in order to be saved - which would be works salvation. It's typical for a reprobate to be roped into a false gospel message. 2 Timothy 3 says concerning reprobates,

...[they are] ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

...having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

Reprobates can come close to the truth, but never able to actually acknowledge it and believe solely on Jesus Christ to be saved. They resist the truth and believe a lie instead. Dahmer believed a false gospel while in prison.

The man that presented the "gospel" to Dahmer while in prison was Roy Ratcliff (what an appropriate last name). You can find his Wikipedia page here. Here's what it says,
In 1994 he formed a friendship with the converted serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, eventually baptizing Dahmer just eight months before Dahmer was killed in prison in Portage, Wisconsin.
Ratcliff definitely needs to find new friends other than serial murderers. He is a minister out of the Mandrake Road Church of Christ. The name of the church should tip you off that they strongly teach baptismal regeneration, which is the false doctrine that states you must be baptized in water in order to have your sins forgiven. What are the core teachings of the "Church of Christ" denomination? They teach that one must believe, turn from his sins, and get baptized to have his sins forgiven. But it doesn't stop there. They also teach that one may lose his salvation from backsliding or falling into serious sin. So you'll also have to maintain your salvation. In short, the Church of Christ teaches a completely false gospel. And Dahmer believed it. 2 Timothy 3, quoted earlier, says that reprobates can never come to the knowledge of the truth, the truth of the gospel. Instead, God sent him a very strong delusion through the false teacher Roy Ratcliff.

Ratcliff is a hell-bound false prophet who tried to "save" Dahmer. In Luke 6:39, Jesus said:

Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?

The blind cannot lead the blind to heaven. There is no way. An unsaved person cannot get a lost person saved, no matter how hard they try. If you don't know the way to heaven, you won't be able to give anyone else directions either. Despite Ratcliff's best attempts, he was not able to save Dahmer because he himself is on his way to hell for teaching a doctrine contrary to the free gift of salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ. The sad part is both of them will be burning and writhing in hell for all eternity.

Here's what the heretic Ratcliff had to say about Dahmer's baptism,
Jeff had nothing to gain in this life by being baptized; he had everything to gain in the next life. He was baptized for the same reason anyone else is baptized. In the light of the Bible, he surveyed his life and concluded that he needed to be saved.
We're baptized in order to go to heaven? Does the Bible say, "for by grace are ye saved through baptism"? Or, "He that gets baptized hath everlasting life"?  Baptism does not equal salvation. But that's what Ratcliff taught Dahmer eight months before he was killed in prison. A false gospel will take anyone to hell that doesn't believe in salvation by grace through FAITH!

Point 3: Dahmer Was Still Depraved After His "Conversion"

Ratcliff and the Church of Christ teach that a sinner must "repent of his sins" in order to go to heaven. They'll teach that there must be a genuine turning from sins or an outward change to evidence true faith. However, the Bible states in Romans 4:5,
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Let's play devil's advocate. Let's assume, for sake of argument, that repenting of your sins is necessary to go to heaven. If that were the case, there would have had to been a change in Dahmer's life, correct? Let's examine how he acted after he "turned from his sins" and got baptized. The following statements and testimonies are from Christopher Scarver, a fellow inmate who eventually did Dahmer in. (Taken from a New York Post article)
Christopher Scarver — who fatally beat the serial killer and another inmate in 1994 — said he grew to despise Dahmer because he would fashion severed limbs out of prison food to taunt the other inmates. He’d drizzle on packets of ketchup as blood. It was very unnerving.He would put them in places where people would be,” Scarver, 45, recalled in a low, gravelly voice. “He crossed the line with some people — prisoners, prison staff. Some people who are in prison are repentant — but he was not one of them.” 
A fellow inmate testified of the unrepentant, disgusting actions that Dahmer took. Dahmer was a supposed "Christian" at this time. Here are some more testimonies of Dahmer's "Christian" behavior:
Scarver, who arrived at Wisconsin’s Columbia Correctional Institution around the same time as Dahmer in 1992, knew right away to keep a safe distance from the serial killer. Scarver said the madman had a personal escort of at least one guard at all times when he was out of his cell because of his friction with other inmates. I saw heated interactions between [Dahmer] and other prisoners from time to time,” Scarver said, adding that he didn’t think much of Dahmer... Like a lone wolf, Scarver watched Dahmer from afar on the prison yard, but never approached him, because he did not want to become a target of his sickening humor. “I never interacted with him,” he said.
Even Dahmer's behavior was sickening to a person in jail. This is not normal prison behavior, it's reprobate behavior. All of Dahmer's actions, from turning prison food into images of mutilated corpses to constantly fighting other inmates, indicates that there was no repentance in his life whatsoever. To suggest otherwise would be totally ignorant. The Church of Christ, baptismal-regenerationist website "" says,
Will Dahmer go to heaven? No one knows except God. It will be based upon the genuiness[sic] of Dahmer's repentance and conversion. But I would personally like to think he is. In fact I would like God to use Jeffery Dahmer as an example of His divine forgiveness. 
Based on the "genuineness" of his repentance, it doesn't appear he really repented of his sins after all. It appears that he still had an appetite for killing and mutilating people. Of course, repenting of sins is not a requirement to go to heaven at all. But these false teachers which push "repentance of sins" are willfully ignorant of the fact that Dahmer did not repent one bit. Oh, but Roy Ratcliff was totally convinced of Dahmer's "genuine" conversion! Read on,
I cannot know the condition of another person's heart unless I listen to his or her words. I listened to Jeff's words, and I watched his eyes and his body language. I listened to the tone of his voice and observed his mannerisms, and I am convinced that he was totally sincere in his desire... Jeff was beginning to embrace the Christian spirit. His father and several pen pals saw a major transformation in who he was after he became a Christian. (source)
Ask Christopher Scarver about the major transformation in Dahmer's life. Or ask any of the other inmates who witnessed Dahmer's disgusting antics while in jail. This expose from Scarver helps to paint an accurate picture of what Dahmer was... a reprobate. Once reprobate, always reprobate. The Bible in 2 Timothy 3 is right about people like Dahmer,
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
I thank God for Christopher Scarver. I'm glad he had the guts to do what the government wouldn't: end that sick, demented reprobate's life. 


  1. Finally! A Christian explaining Jeffrey Dahmer is in Hell. It seems more popular for people to think he was saved! I will never believe someone that twisted could be saved.

    1. Mabye because some of us Christians actually care about everyone’s salvation.

  2. Oh man, this is old but I just so happened to stumble across this and had to put in my two cents. Christopher Scarver is a schitzophrenic and a liar. He murdered Dahmer and another inmate at the same time (Anderson) to get recognition from a gang he was trying to affiliate with in prison. He also claimed to be "The reincarnation of Christ" a bit blasphemous huh? He has changed his story so many times and Dahmer "making body parts out of food" is just his newest one. Authors know this too and that's why no one is interested in buying and writing his story. Dahmer got along well with his other inmates and even with prison staff. He followed God until the day he was murdered by a man, who too was a murderer, and called himself "Christ". Why journalists were so desperate for a story they had to dig up a tale 20+ years expired and re-told by a known liar and Schitzophrenic, I have no idea. But it's untrue and ignorant, and anyone who is remotely informed with the details of Dahmers life and death in prison know so too. Dahmer is not the one who is burning in hell. It's going to be Scarver (unless he deicides to repent and let God into his heart too.)

    1. Hi Anon. Scarver is unsaved as well, and you certainly have a point. He'll burn in hell alongside Dahmer for all eternity. God has used the wicked as a judgment against evil doers, so I see it as Dahmer receiving what he should have received at the hands of a righteous government. Sane thing happened in Orlando when a wicked man went into that filthy bar and wiped out dozens of evil sodomites.

      The point is that once a man is reprobate, he is always reprobate. Once a child of the devil, always a child of the devil. Dahmer lived his life as a master manipulator. To think, "Oh, he found God in prison and now lives righteously" is the height of naivety. He's charming you and the media. Just because a person exhibits good works externally has absolutely zero bearing on their eternal destination. The man was a liar, and he lied about being a Christian. He was an evil narcissist bent on manipulating and destroying people - but I'm supposed to believe him when he says he is "changed" in prison? Even if he did supposedly change his life around, that's not salvation. The guy who "got him saved" was a heretic who is on his way to the same hell.

    2. You are both wrong. Jeff Dahmer is "Dead". Dead means "dead". Do some research on your bible or, better yet, actually READ IT. Reading the bible will make you an atheist.

    3. My friend who was in the same prison agreed with Anonymous' observation re Dahmer & the person who killed him.
      It seems this blog grasps neither the evil of all sin nor the fullness of redemption that God bestows.
      Christ spent his last earthly hours ministering to a criminal being executed & took him to paradise. 1 Corinthians 6:11 that was us but we have been sanctified & justified by the triune God. Saved by grace alone

    4. The author of this blog is very likely lost

    5. First of all, we're sinners. Allllllll of us. We're all wicked. Saved by grace and grace alone by the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus saves us when we repent of our sins by faith in Him by the redemptive work of Christ. The author of this blog... gave his opinion. Whether he is saved or not is between him and God.

  3. This guy wrote an article in 2015 that was 5600 words long criticizing some guy Bruce Berry who basically tried to say the same thing he did: salvation is by faith not works. Apparently Daniels reads English differently than the rest of us, did he go to school? My comment was the first one anyone bothered to make in 2 years, just shows how irrelevant this blog is.

    In 2015 he did 10 articles, 5 of which contain the word "heretic" or "heresy". He talks about an "effeminate" "fraud" and "charlatan" named Greg Locke. And a "spineless" "coward" "media whore" named Paul Chappell. And a "fraud" named Jonathan Cahn who apparently is a " white wool". Then there's some "wicked and disgusting" "bastard" named Billy Sampson. Real clean tongue for a Christian! And then there's this "false prophet" named Tom Gillam who is "going to hell" (sorta like everyone mentioned in this Dahmer article).

    And that's ONLY the 2015 blog posts. The 2014 post on "Steven Anderson" contains the word "heretic" as does the lone article in 2016 ("Sean Appleton") and also the first 2017 article, there is this "heretic Johnny Nixon" whoever that guy is. Probably just some kid who is confused, learning about God, who needs to be given right teaching. He sure won't get any from this Daniels guy! Nasty piece of work.

    I have no idea who these people are, and the author may be right in some of the criticism. But that's not my point. My point is to advise EVERYONE to steer clear of these hyper-judgemental types. Some new Christians, or those who lack maturity often are VERY judgemental. They "play God" and write blogs like this, about who is going to hell. When, and if, they ever mature they almost always regret their previous stridency and arrogant pride, because God fills them with shame over their past attitudes. People who are truly maturing as Christians are almost ALWAYS SO AWARE OF THEIR OWN SIN THAT THEY HAVE NO TIME OR DESIRE TO SELF-RIGHTEOUSLY POINT OUT THE SIN OF OTHERS. That's a marker of maturity that proves correct time and time again. People need to know that "proving someone wrong" in blogs like this provides the human heart with an enormous boost of SMUG PRIDE which the heart craves, but which is sinful and dangerous. And Satan loves blogs like this where some "useful idiot" stays busy doing Satan's work for him, ripping down people that God sends into the field to do His work.

    1. WOW!! Thanks for your comments. I'm sure glad that JESUS is my judge and NOT this blogger!! I heard Dahmer interviewed on TV with his Dad and he spoke about JESUS. I can't know his heart but I hope to God that he could have been converted. With God All things are possible!!
      MERCILESS Christians aka Heretic Hunters are SCARY!!

  4. So looks like EIGHT of his 14 articles point fingers at "heretics" or "heresy", which is pretty disturbing when you consider how many Christians have died or been murdered over those words. Remember in the Reformation when the Anabaptists were being drowned with the blessing of Zwingli? Heretics killed, hung, burned at the stake, etc. I'm sure it was pretty awful. And you can bet I am extremely careful about using those 2 words, it has to be really extreme or obvious, I don't thow those words around like confetti like this clown does.

    Worse, this judgemental opinion is being pronounced from his self-righteous throne, which is parked safely behind his computer screen and not out in the real world where talk is cheap. This guy has no concept of the danger of his own tongue..."...the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity... it defileth the whole body...and it is set on fire of hell." (James 3:6). I also notice he makes fun of people's last names (ie. Ratcliffe in the Dahmer article) which is childish behaviour right out of Grade Three. Seriously this guy needs to grow up.

    All these people I'm sure are faithfully trying to do God's work, despite maybe having some odd ideas of doctrine. God even uses those whose doctrines are confused, because He loves them for THEM, not for their ability to memorize doctrine and write nasty blog articles.

    But unfortunately they are out fighting Jesus' battles in the thick of the fight, while this sniper named Daniels is taking shots at them from the nice, comfortable, safe sidelines. Meanwhile all this sniper has managed to do himself is write a grand total of 14 measly blog articles over 2.5 years. Not too BUSY apparently, these people do more work in a week than he's done in 2 years. Sounds like "low-energy Jeb" from last year's election.

    Hey Daniels, salvation is from faith, not whether you know every single point of doctrine. Love is the best thing to have (1Cor 13:13) and it even covers sin (1 Pet 4:8), did you know that? I read your blog, and guess what buddy, there isn't a drop of love anywhere in it.... just judgement, anger, nasty names, and more judgement. A snake spitting venom in all directions.

    Great example to the unsaved you are. Remember God hates "he that soweth discord among bretheren." (Pr 6:19) Oh, silly me, I forgot, you've up and decided that Proverbs 6:19 doesn't apply, because everybody named in your blog is suddenly not a Christian.... because you said so. So you're God now. How convenient for you. No need to re-examine your own heart and consider whether the cause of Christ would be better off without you on the team. I'm sorry to have encountered someone as hard-hearted and ignorant as you, but you're not the first. It's hard enough to proclaim Christ in this depraved world without being shot at by your own side. Work that undermines the Gospel is worthless, but fortunately Jesus promised that people writing blogs like this will have such worthless contributions "burned up" (1 Cor 3:15) at the end of time, even as they themselves are saved from the fire. So there's still time to learn some humility, and to write at least one article this year that doesn't contain the word "heretic".

    1. I agree with you. The writer's comment "Ratcliff definitely needs to find new friends other than serial murderers. He is a minister out of the Mandrake Road Church of Christ" gave him away. Jesus dined with sinners! Paul said I've become all things to all men that I might at least save some. I believe Jeffrey Dahmer is not beyond the grace and mercy of God, Christ's salvation is to the uttermost!
      None of us can assume the work of God for him, in determining who is saved and who isn't!

    2. Thank you for saying this. The writer here clearly does not know the gospel of grace, which was an offense to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks, and obviously an offense to this writer as well.

  5. This articled is so wrong. First of all, " the dead know nothing." We rest in our grave until the Lord returns! If you break the least of the commandments, you are guilty of breaking them all! "Those all you without sin cast the first stone." " If you love me you will keep my commandments." "Faith without works is DEAD!" Never, ever under estimate the saving power of the blood, of the Lord Jesus. Never! If Dahmer truly repented and asked Jesus for forgiveness. He is saved, no matter how preposterous it might seem to our finite minds.

    1. I agree. We are not to judge him for his crimes. Only God can do that! Heidi P.

  6. Whether he was or was not saved ain’t up to you. If your a Christian , you pray for any of these whom it seems by your words you are angry with or hate? Loving our enemies, our brethren is a command not an option. And as far as false gospels, pretty much all of Protestantism and catholism teach false gospels. The real church, real Christians are part of many of these “systems”, your attitude and words are putting you in a precarious position. Let me end this with a question, if he really is saved are you ok with that? The problem with mankind is the chose their feelings and add them to their gospel. Doesn’t the Lord want all people to come to repentance and believe in Christ for their salvation? Clearly you think certain sin is greater than other, yet Jesus made it clear sinning in one area means you sinned in them all. May the Holy Spirit open your mind and heart, in Christ.

    1. The irony is there is such a high chance this guy is not saved in the first place.

  7. I hope he was saved because JESUS died for Him and God loves him. He does not want anyone to perish. I hope to see him in Heaven one day and I won't be surprised if he is because we have a great God whose grace and forgiveness is bigger than anyone's sins. Jesus' death on the cross, His sacrifice, and His resurrection are more than enough to absorb the impact of sin and purify even the "worst of them so they can be cast away forever. For any of you who understand this and believe he could be saved, he is no longer a murderer or a rapist or a cannibal. He is a redeemed and restored child of God who has been made righteous in His sight. He should no longer be known by his sins, but by His inheritance from the Most High. If you are a Christian, you know God's grace and the plan for His beloved creation. You know you become a new creature in Christ and old things have passed away. So, I don't refer to Jeffrey as anything other than a Christian and it troubles me when I hear people condemning him for all of eternity. JESUS came to save the world, not condemn it, so don't do something that JESUS Himself wouldn't do. If we are to love the sinner and hate the sin and Jeffrey's sins have been washed clean, stop holding on to things that God no longer remembers. And for the people who love to quote the OT without the context of the NT, I'm sure you remember the scapegoat that was sent out into the wilderness bearing the burden of sin for God's people? Remember all of the sacrifices that had to be made? Remember God then sent His own Son as the eternal sacrifice? Do you really think God doesn't know how serious sin is and WE have the right or righteousness to judge its depravity more than Him? Humble yourselves and be JOYFUL that a lost sheep may have been found. Your sin is just as abhorrent to God as mine is and everyone else's. Jeffrey Dahmer's story should absolutely be used as a powerful and shining testimony to the love and faithfulness and grace of our Heavenly Father. Stop focusing on the sin and fix your eyes on the Savior. Hope Jeffrey was saved because JESUS had already paid the price for his sins and God wanted him back.

    1. The New Testament I read says "the blood of Christ cleanses us from ALL sin." NOBODY is beyond Gods love and redemption. I can only hope for the best as to his present location, however,if he is in the Saviours presence it is certainly NOT because of his baptism. S.B.

    2. I love this quote most of all because so many dont see the importance of praying for one another, especially those that appear "lost":

      "Humble yourselves and be JOYFUL that a lost sheep may have been found. Your sin is just as abhorrent to God as mine is and everyone else's."

  8. I didn't realize in you writing this John Daniel, that GodGod ,Himself appointed you of all people judge for those on this earth, let alone those with such serious crimes that you along with others would deem unforgivable by our merciful and grace giving God. Nobody ,and I mean NOBODY was in Jeffrey Dahmer's head and heart, but Jeffrey and the good Lord Himself so why don't you take this article and your opinion, ONLY, and re-examine yourself before you pass judgement on someone else

  9. This was a gross mishandling of scripture and unsound logic used to back a preconceived judgmental attitude towards sin and sinners. I hope the author finds mercy and grace so as to spread the truth in purity, and love Without love, all the trumpets of Christian espousing are but noisy gongs.

  10. We don't know enough about the person to judge him. We don't know about every single detail that happened. We mock the fear in their eyes but have no idea how many stones they have ducked.WE DON'T KNOW. Only one who has followed yesterday's step can be their judge.

  11. I agree pretty much with the rest here. It is not our place to say whether someone- even as sick as Jeff Dahmer- is worthy of hell or heaven. Only God knows, and I'd like to point out that this article has twisted some parts of scripture. The Lord's blood cleansed every sin from past, present unto the future. He was gracious enough to dine and be in the company with sinners so why shouldn't He do the same in Jeffrey Dahmer's life?

  12. I was very interested in this topic. Its troubling to hear professing Christians say a sinner can't be saved. (that is basically what i see in the reprobate comment) I don't know if Jeff was Born again, but I no without a doubt that the sinner Jeff was not outside Gods so grate salvation. one other thing I want to point out.
    The man that killed Jeff Said "I never interacted with him"
    That is not a reliable source to base you story on.
    i'm sure Jeff acted crazy when he first entered prison, and acted like a sinner he was. That does not tell the story of the next few years and especially the last 8 months of his life. As far as the Gospel he was given.... there is only one Gospel... and i hope he got it. (Romans 1:16)

  13. Ultimately, only God determines who and who is not saved. He says he accepted the Lord and since you are not God you CANNOT makes the determination about who is in heaven once they say they have accepted the Lord.

  14. It's always interesting to read an overly long, overly complicated tome in which scripture is twisted together with logic into a braid of half truth. But half of the truth is as good as 100% lie. I can hear the hiss of the serpent in your many words. There is much to comment on, too much actually, but I'll alight on two things in particular that reveal your disqualfication as a judge regarding the claim of regeneration of Jeffery Dahmer. First is your statement that a man who is "reprobate is always reprobate." This contradicts scripture that says no one is beyond the ability of God to save. "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost." - 1 Timothy 1:15 . “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. - Isaiah 1:18. "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8. Jesus died for Jeffery Dahmer BEFORE he repented of his sin.

    My 2nd point is that you use the testimony of a murderer as proof to back up your claims and even applaud the murder of Jeffery Dahmer and then thank God for the murder. Only a man blinded by the senseless logic and twisted truth of Satan would thank God for murder. If the state had executed Dahmer that would be justice, what Christopher Scarver did was not. You sir, know nothing of scripture except what you can use to serve your twisted sense of what "saved" actually means. But you'll find out one day....

    1. Actually think about it. This guy preaches a king of works doctrine. He thinks he is better then the rest becausr of his "works"

  15. Wait. "Normal sinners" and you include what "normal" sins are? How DARE you presume to place sin in acceptable and unacceptable categories and then preach your hatred in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Sin is sin. And ALL who call on the name of Jesus Christ and believe unto Him are forgiven! Who are you to decide who is granted His Grace and who is damned? A true Christian would hope that ALL souls are forgiven. Yes..."all". Even, dare I say lest you damn me to hell, Hitler. I for one, dont wish to see any soul burn for eternity.

    So your point is, what? That REPEATEDLY murdering Christian's as martyrs, REPEATEDLY raping and pillaging is unforgivable and "reprobate"? Gee. Paul(Saul) is sure in for a bad time in eternity. By the way, will YOU be the one telling Jesus Christ that He made a mistake by forgiving Paul? Thank God people like you aren't judges on the last day. Self-righteousness is such a dangerous and festering thing...God bless us all.

  16. I guess you think you're God and that you make the decisions on who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell. If you're filled with hate towards somebody who was a sinner and who found God and was converted, and if you claim that Jesus's death on the Cross is only valid for certain people and certain sins, and not Jeffrey Dahmer, then you have no idea what Christianity is all about. You've totally missed Jesus's message. You need to study your Bible. It's people like you that make Christianity look bad and who turn people away from being Christians. You are very destructive.

  17. Church of christ Does Not teach a false gospel period

  18. Lord have mercy on us all!

  19. I realize that my relatives were not killed, eaten, dismembered, and dissolved in acid, BUT, the good new of Jesus the Christ says that if a person actually repents of his/her sins and calls on the name of Jesus and follow what the scriptures state, they will be saved. The steps outlined in the scriptures are: 1)Hear the good news of Christ. 2) Repent of your sins. 3) Confess your belief in Jesus. 4) Be baptized in the name of Jesus, for the remission of your sins. It is up to God who is forgiven and who is not, since none of us can accurately judge a person's mind and their level of repentance. I feel sorry for those who can't read what the scriptures say, and trend towards what people think is right. READ the book of Acts.

    1. Well said. The scriptures are clear: Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, Be Immersed, and continue walking in Christ.

  20. Most people we thought would be in heaven may not. And vice versa, because salvation is not outward but inward. There is no sin God wont forgive 77*7 except blasphemy of the working holy spirit. Those who teach God incorrectly for reasons not related to salvation but personal agenda. Why would God die if the benefit was not worth his death.

  21. According to the Scriptures, exactly how many sins does a person have to commit to be completely unsavable(Rom 5:20)? I know that if indeed Dahmer Romans 10:9-10, regardless of this gossip article, that I will see him in heaven.

  22. Then you are someone who's hell-bound for tearing apart other Christians and maligning them. You are a lost soul for thanking God for Scarver. Scarver was in no way an instrument by God to end Dahmer's life. That black man was a famewhore and was foolish enough to think that if he'd kill Dahmer, he'd be famous and respected. With his imprudent deed, he'd rot in prison and not see the light of day. Dahmer is saved, not damned!

  23. Then you are someone who's hell-bound for tearing apart other Christians and maligning them. You are a lost soul for thanking God for Scarver. Scarver was in no way an instrument by God to end Dahmer's life. That black man was a famewhore and was foolish enough to think that if he'd kill Dahmer, he'd be famous and respected. With his imprudent deed, he'd rot in prison and not see the light of day. Dahmer is saved, not damned!

  24. To the person behind this blog (Bible-believing Georgian):

    Then you are someone who's hell-bound for tearing apart other Christians and maligning them. You are a lost soul for thanking God for Scarver. Scarver was in no way an instrument by God to end Dahmer's life. That black man was a famewhore and was foolish enough to think that if he'd kill Dahmer, he'd be famous and respected. With his imprudent deed, he'd rot in prison and not see the light of day. Dahmer is saved, not damned!

  25. To the person behind this blog (Bible-believing Georgian):

    Then you are someone who's hell-bound for tearing apart other Christians and maligning them. You are a lost soul for thanking God for Scarver. Scarver was in no way an instrument of God to end Dahmer's life. That black man was a famewhore and was foolish enough to think that if he'd kill Dahmer, he'd be famous and respected. With his imprudent deed, he'd rot in prison and not see the light of day. Dahmer is saved, not damned!

  26. I know Jeff's family and I also know a couple who are friends with Pastor Roy. Jeff most certainly was a Christian, and God loves him and is no doubt overjoyed about Jeff's heartfelt conversion.Jeff's beautiful story is a perfect example of Jesus's redeeming love. I feel sorry for you that you're so bitter and that you feel the need to deny another soul's salvation. If God cannot forgive Jeff, then the whole entire Gospel is an empty lie. And we know very well that it isn't. Try to root the hate out of your heart!

  27. You are happy that Daumer was murdered? And you are in a position to know someone's heard? You condemn Daumer and praise his murderer?! I think you maybe need to be concerned over the state of your own soul. To say that Daumer could not be saved is to deny the saving power of Messiah's sacrifice and call God a liar. I wouldn't want to be you unless you change your own ways.
